The Good News About The Lap-Band

The good news about the Lap Band

About 76%, or 3 out of 4 people with BMI of 30-40, lose more than 30% of their excess weight and keep it off, according to a recent study (1). The 30% excess weight is a benchmark number that is used frequently by researchers. Researchers found that people that lost more than 30% of excess weight had a noticeable improvement of quality of life and health. Even when you don’t restrict the BMIs from the range of 30-40 and consider people with higher BMIs, it was found in another study that about 65%, or about 6 out of 10 people lost more than 30% of their excess weight (2). So, it’s good to note that most people notice a significant quality of life and health improvement because of being banded.

If you are struggling to find out how to lose more of your excess weight, or if you’re saying to yourself “Hey! I’m the 1 out of 4!!!”, book a call with Heather for a complimentary discovery call to find out what may be holding you back.


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